I had a difficult upbringing so it is very easy for me to feel unmoored. Being in the USA right now is scary on a lot of different levels. One thing I have to keep reminding myself is that I have survived a ton of crap. There are lots of ideas, dreams, wishes, and experiences that I outgrew. There are also dreams that are just that dreams. I realized I will never be a physics scientist, a math wizard, filthy rich, travel, live abroad, or create stunning art. There is a certain amount of exhaling and relief that some of these dreams will never become reality.There is also sadness, if only I create peace for the entire world the world would be better. Knowing I have limitations is part of growing up. I like being home, knitting, reading, napping. The outside world right now is a dumpster fire and I am not sure I am the person able to put the fire out and that’s okay.
While I know it is going to be rough, I have found out that I can take care of myself, that I can do things and I even have a place to rest, regroup, look back and look forward, review what is important and what is BS/propaganda. If you have a good library I suggest checking out their adult programs to make friends, also try senior services to see if they need help. I know this sounds weird but when I help others I feel better myself. Also find something that takes you out of the house, a pottery glass, meetup with artists, writers, or something that interests you. Believe it or not you will survive this and big picture view this is going to be a brief pause in your life. Best wishes.
Hi there! I’m sending this out to you from over here. I hoped to tell you that you’ve echoed many of the thoughts I’ve had in my life. I have spent many years yearning for the community of others with whom I am my truest, authentic self. I think that is really what gets at the feeling of Belonging. Your thoughts of alone vs lonely have been a thesis in my own mind in earlier decades. All things to say, yes! All those things! And, yes to organizing and changing our world from the roots up.
I had a difficult upbringing so it is very easy for me to feel unmoored. Being in the USA right now is scary on a lot of different levels. One thing I have to keep reminding myself is that I have survived a ton of crap. There are lots of ideas, dreams, wishes, and experiences that I outgrew. There are also dreams that are just that dreams. I realized I will never be a physics scientist, a math wizard, filthy rich, travel, live abroad, or create stunning art. There is a certain amount of exhaling and relief that some of these dreams will never become reality.There is also sadness, if only I create peace for the entire world the world would be better. Knowing I have limitations is part of growing up. I like being home, knitting, reading, napping. The outside world right now is a dumpster fire and I am not sure I am the person able to put the fire out and that’s okay.
While I know it is going to be rough, I have found out that I can take care of myself, that I can do things and I even have a place to rest, regroup, look back and look forward, review what is important and what is BS/propaganda. If you have a good library I suggest checking out their adult programs to make friends, also try senior services to see if they need help. I know this sounds weird but when I help others I feel better myself. Also find something that takes you out of the house, a pottery glass, meetup with artists, writers, or something that interests you. Believe it or not you will survive this and big picture view this is going to be a brief pause in your life. Best wishes.
Oh how I love this post ❤️ thank you. I see you.
Hi there! I’m sending this out to you from over here. I hoped to tell you that you’ve echoed many of the thoughts I’ve had in my life. I have spent many years yearning for the community of others with whom I am my truest, authentic self. I think that is really what gets at the feeling of Belonging. Your thoughts of alone vs lonely have been a thesis in my own mind in earlier decades. All things to say, yes! All those things! And, yes to organizing and changing our world from the roots up.
Wishing you the best.
Deeply affecting- thanks for sharing and being inspiring
Beautiful Tess. Sending you lots of love and care during this tender time.